Library closures

Botanical drawing

Find out what’s a weed or winner | 4 Mar-15 Mar | 7 sessions

She’s back! Join Botanical Artist, Nita Clare Lester for this fun hands-on workshop identifying local weed species through drawing. See pressed samples of plants like ginger and passionfruit while flowering and fruiting. Enjoy creating botanical drawings to help understand what to look for in a specimen and in your garden.  

Discover the similarities between species and what plant works where. Find out whether a plant is endemic, an introduced edible, ornamental or weedy one. Take home tips (and art!) to help you on your garden journey. 

Supported by council’s Healthy Places team.

$5 per person. Registration essential. Ages 16 and over.

No refunds unless Libraries cancels the event.

LibraryDate and TimeRegistration
KawanaTuesday 4 March, 10–11.30amRegister
CoolumTuesday 11 March, 10–11.30amRegister
NambourWednesday 12 March, 10–11.30amRegister
MalenyThursday 13 March, 10–11.30amRegister
BeerwahFriday 14 March, 10–11.30amRegister
CaloundraSaturday 15 March, 10–11.30amRegister

View the program and event terms and conditions.

Managing Invasive Plants

When choosing plants for your garden stick to planting native or non-invasive plants. For more information on plants that are best suited to your area and garden you can visit council's native plants page or visit a native plant nursery.