Library closures

Sunshine Coast Life | Mystery photos

The library is looking for local sleuths to uncover the hidden mysteries in local photographs

Sunshine Coast Life |  Mystery photos

The library is looking for local sleuths to uncover the hidden mysteries in local photographs through the decades.

Can you help solve some mysteries? Can you see your grandma or cousin? Do you recognise the building down your street?

The library's mystery photo collection has photographs that have unidentified people, places and times. There might be clues relating to people's dress and architecture that could help you date when the image was taken.


  1. Visit the Sunshine Coast Life website.
  2. Click on Login in the top right corner.
  3. Enter your name and email address to receive a password, or use your social media profile to register.

Add what you know

  1. Browse the mystery photos
  2. If you know someone in a photo, click Add next to Image Tags on the left
  3. If you have a story to share, click Add next to Recollections on the left

Upload your own images

  1. Select Upload on the left banner.
  2. Select Upload Image.
  3. Enter a Title for your photo and choose the files to upload.
  4. Click Tell us a few extra details
  5. Provide copyright confirmation and add extra details.
  6. Use Google to add the geolocation for your image (select zoom level 17 if possible).
  7. Select Submit and finish.

Library staff will review your submission and you will receive confirmation when your image is live. Contact libraries if you require any assistance.

What is Sunshine Coast Life

Sunshine Coast Life is the place for pictures and stories from the past and present. You can share your pictures and memories, and find familiar faces and places from around the Sunshine Coast.

Browse by People, Places, Year or the Latest uploads. Explore using the Geomap, by Collections, look at our Mystery Photos, or discover something new with Surprise Me.

Share your story

Do you have a story or memory about life on the Sunshine Coast? It might be your favourite holiday spot, the old corner shop, family friends, cousins or grandparents. Whatever your connection, we welcome your stories and photos.