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Share your old holiday photos to win

The annual Sunshine Coast Heritage Calendar competition is on now and the theme is ‘Happy Snaps, holiday times on the Sunshine Coast’. We’re calling for your camping, chilling at the beach, sailing and fishing trip photos from days gone by. Entries close August 14. Enter for a chance to win.

Share your old holiday photos to win
courtesy Picture Sunshine Coast

From taking a dip in the original Kings beach rock pool to slurping on a Sunnyboy ice block at Mooloolaba, holidays on the Sunshine Coast looked a little different pre-1990!   

Maybe it was the fashions, knitted bathers in the ‘50s and flares in the ‘70s; the freedom, kids staying out until dark and coming back when hungry, group rides to the beach in your mate’s Holden ute or riding on a surf mat that gave you the most painful of rashes.

All these great memories are going to come flooding back as the community is invited to dust off family snaps from these golden eras of Sunshine Coast holidays and get them ready for the annual Sunshine Coast Heritage Calendar competition.

The 2024 theme is  is ‘Happy Snaps, holiday times on the Sunshine Coast’ so we’re calling for your camping, chilling at the beach, sailing and fishing trip photos from days gone by.

Sunshine Coast Coordinator of Heritage Services Peter Connell said the photos needed to be from 1990 or earlier to be considered for the Calendar.

“The annual Sunshine Coast Council Heritage Calendar celebrates and showcases the unique cultural heritage of our region,” Mr Connell said

“The community’s oral, written, photographic stories and memories add so much value to our shared Sunshine Coast heritage and everyone’s story is important.

“We’d love for everyone to take a trip down memory lane and share their family stories for a chance to be included in the 2024 calendar.”

Submissions can be made online at

Sunshine Coast community portfolio Councillor Rick Baberowski said many images held in public collections tended to be of developments, buildings and landscapes and only told half the story.

“In comparison, photos held in family collections are wonderfully diverse and so are the stories behind them. Each image can play a valuable part in better understanding our changing culture and shared heritage,” Cr Baberowski said.

“From what we wear to how and where we took our holidays has changed considerably in the past decade let alone 50 years.

“So, this year’s calendar theme will celebrate the good old Sunshine Coast daytrip, weekend getaway or the annual family holiday.

“Just going through the process of checking your old prints (or negatives/slides/home movies) is a great way for families to get together and pass on (or better still video) their stories with and for younger generations.”


Anyone submitting a winning image will:

  • have their image included in the 2024 Heritage Calendar, accredited with the name of the photographer
  • receive a canvas print of their image
  • receive an invitation to the launch event and five complimentary calendars.

Entries can be submitted online at or in person at Council customer contact centres.

Entries close Monday, August 14, at 5pm. Visit for more information.

This project is supported by the Sunshine Coast Arts and Heritage Levy.

The Levy, which is charged to every rateable property, is used to document, research, conserve, protect, promote and provide access to those tangible and intangible items, places, facilities and events that define the stories, history and values of the people, communities and culture of the Sunshine Coast.

This article Share your old holiday photos to win has been supplied from the Sunshine Coast Council website and has been published here with permission.