Library closures

Self-paced learning

Online tutorials and platforms to help you learn independently at your own pace

Self-paced learning

Tutorials from beginners to advanced on computers, tablets, smartphones, smartTV, social media and digital photography. Sign in with your member number.

LinkedIn Learning

Use this online platform to learn software, creative and business skills. Tutorials are available in seven languages and are taught by recognised industry experts. Login with your library membership. On the App, click on "Sign in with your library card" and type "sunshinecoastlibraries" at the end of the url. Proceed to login with your library membership number and password.

Niche Academy

Tutorials on how to use the library's eBook and eAudiobook, music and movie streaming services. Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and tutorials are also available.

Be Connected

Beginner tutorials and online learning resources for computers, tablets and smartphones. Sign up and select Sunshine Coast Libraries to track your learning.